Hi, I just tried to connect, and the switch seemingly recognizes a new controller, but as soon as I try to send a command, connection is lost:
[14:32:53] joycontrol.device set_name::69 INFO - setti…
I have seen that one of the items in your to-do list is "Emulate a wired Switch Pro Controller and correctly interface with the Switch console". I just wanted to contact you because I recently publish…
Hi Bro, fist THANK YOU, and greets to U. It's an awesome project that mix Nostalgia and Nerdiness well.
I'm programmer but new into MicroControllers.(only do some PIC practices back in my teens)
can you add support for the XINPUT Protocol? directinput is already outdated and is not supported in modern games and game builders
title says it all
I'm running elementary os 0.4.1 (aka ubuntu linux). i know this worked on ubuntu and raspbian about 6 months ago. dunno what changed, but i'd love to find out...
Bei uns gibt es einige Menschen, die gerne mit Retro Zeug rumspielen (RetroPie, etc.). Dafuer waere eine kleine Ecke mit Controllern und einem kleinen Fernsehr auch sehr cool.
I saw your project and really got interested.
For a long time that i wanted to make a switch figtstick and the features that you implemented on your code really caught my eye.
I'm still new to…
Edit: see comment for more details, this only applies to the front panel USB ports
I have a USB gamepad which works on an Ubuntu 22.04 LTS live boot, but does not work on NixOS. The gamepad appears…
I am using an Arduino UNO Rev3 flashed with Joystick.hex and when connected to a computer and using [this](https://html5gamepad.com/) tester it shows up as a HORIPAD S with the correct settings.
tgb20 updated
4 years ago