Thank you for your excellent work!
I read your paper and it mentioned that the blendshape format used should be the standard FLAME format, i.e. 300+6+100, but I found that the actual output of the mo…
Hello, first of all I really appreciate you provide such a wonderful project to the world! I'm learning a lot from your works and they are very helpful since the paper and corresponding code are well …
I have createdand placed the FLAME_albedo_from_BFM.npz file in the ./data directory. However when trying to run the last two demos, i get the following error: `AttributeError: extract_tex`.
It see…
Hello, first of all, thanks a lot for the wonderful work and making it open source.
I wanted to run this on a custom dataset and get a eye view videos,but I get wrong results.
First,I use VHAP to pr…
I tested the model you provided, and found the performance of novel view synthesis unsatisfying.
As is shown by below video, I rotated the avatar from -60 to 60.
Hello, I tried fine-tuning the model on a new mesh sequence (~4000 frames). These were flame vertices (5023 x 3) so I just modified the D1 json files to point to my data and I changed the template me…
- My model predicts vertex offset (5023, 3) from template.npy (I am doing Audio-to-FLAME model)
- Is there any way extracting expression and jaw FLAME parameters from those vertex offset ??
You have to create an account but the activation link never arrive into your mailbox. Can you make it available elsewhere please?
I want to fit the FLAME model to the 3D key points provided in this dataset.
What would be the correct approach for this? as provided key points don't correspond to the dlib key points.
In the README, it is stated that "We also make a version of our model available in the topology of the FLAME model" (https://github.com/waps101/AlbedoMM#flame-topology-model); I have attempted to use …
cnpgs updated
2 years ago