Possible other data layers to add:
- IBAs
- Upwelling/ downwellings/ eddys
- Shipwrecks: https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov/search/concepts/C1214613883-SCIOPS
Will depend on size of datas…
Thank you for signing up to use the CSDMS JupyterHub. To complete the signup, please provide your CSDMS username, the first four characters of your username on the CSDMS JupyterHub, as well as a brief…
Hi all,
We are planning to make new Xarray accessors for our packages xDEM and GeoUtils that focus on raster analysis and DEM analysis, respectively (right now relying only on `rasterio` and `geopa…
Issue to list all the datasets to be migrated to NationalMap and under which groups.
NEII Data catalogue reference - https://neii-viewer.prod.saas.terria.io/
NationalMap data catalogue reference …
I am exploring the eDITH model, and I followed the simulation exercise described in the 'How to design optimal eDNA sampling strategies for biomonitoring in river networks' paper where you s…
## Problem
Land tenure information (who the land is vested with and what is the 'purpose' of the land) is very important information for flora. Lots of analysis is conducted based on these fields (e…
In [`e0f9f5a`](https://github.com/DELWP-DTV/santa/commit/e0f9f5a740e78f43e6c75907287e3049cd7d30d8
), Landform Subtype Geomorphology Reclassified 25K (http://gaservices.ga.gov.au/site_1/services/Geomor…
In [`69e82e0`](https://github.com/DELWP-DTV/santa/commit/69e82e08cf6aa3b1553e825a43cb816d586e4d76
), Landform Subtype Geomorphology Reclassified 50K (http://gaservices.ga.gov.au/site_1/services/Geomor…
In [`e63e1e2`](https://github.com/DELWP-DTV/santa/commit/e63e1e23182e5e3957629e807286bfad28a4d99e
), Landform Subtype Geomorphology Reclassified 100K (http://gaservices.ga.gov.au/site_1/services/Geomo…
In [`ad7abcb`](https://github.com/DELWP-DTV/santa/commit/ad7abcbd078c5679de9e5132f7f37bd671363bae
), Landform Type Geomorphology Reclassified 25K (http://gaservices.ga.gov.au/site_1/services/Geomorpho…