helpers.py module is not accessible if it's in the "text-analysis/code" directory unless either...
1) the code directory is added to sys path e.g. `sys.path.insert(0, '/content/drive/My Drive/Colab…
Is there a way in GrimoireLab to filter contributors based on the GitHub teams they are a member of?
Relevant API call: https://developer.github.com/v3/teams/members/#get-team-membership
For exa…
### If you are filing this issue based on a specific GitHub Discussion, please link to the relevant Discussion.
### Describe the goals of the changes to the analysis module.
Before attempting…
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## Recommendations
_Last analysis: Nov 24 | Next scheduled analysis: Dec 01_
### Open
- h…
Hi River @River707 @tensorflower-gardener ,In `CallGraph Analysis`, I find a `AbstractEdge` will always be added to target `CallGraphNode` from `externalCallerNode`, no matter the target is a `public…
List of pages to check before release:
## maskers
- [ ] https://nilearn.github.io/dev/modules/generated/nilearn.maskers.SurfaceMasker.html#nilearn.maskers.SurfaceMasker
- [ ] https://nilearn.github.…
There are often some changes in an individual transport network on a particular day / timeframe (timetable change or major construction site). It would be very helpful if there was a button for each t…
Hi Yuntian,
Thank you for developing this excellent tool! We are currently exploring the possibility of combining the LongcellPre pipeline with SCOTCH (https://github.com/WGLab/SCOTCH?tab=readme-ov…
Per [Dynamic Foraging Pipeline Upgrade](https://alleninstitute-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/alex_piet_alleninstitute_org/EUXMWfZHT09OtFExsCQLhX0B_EwAARRMTYs1nm3YwdSSGw?e=qo4hNz) and [AIND Analysis…
In pluma.io.empatica.py, parse_empatica_stream(), 'E4_Seconds' is used as a DatetimeIndex in one case: