Starting a few months ago switching to new Jenkins Servers we are getting this error randomly (once every 30-50 runs).
What could be the reason and are there known solutions?
Example code: (also…
Please provide your feedback by posting a comment against this issue.
It seems there is another Groovy compiler or incremental bug that we should investigate. It seems this one is triggered just for `.groovy` files and interestingly it fails for a class inside a trait.
I'm trying out the VSCode extension, and whenever I try to add a jar to the classpath (settings > groovy > classpath), the following exception is thrown:
Jun 28, 2020 11:08:41 PM org.eclipse.l…
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* Where:
Initialization script '/private/var/folders/t3/b8smz48x00s_9dlcccbpv4qc0000gn/T/ijmapper.gradle'
* What went wrong:
Could not compile initia…
* Where:
Settings file '/Users/limaofang/Desktop/nmmp/nmm-protect/settings.gradle'
* What went wrong:
Could not compile settings file '/Users/limaofang/Desktop/nmmp/nmm-protect/settings.gradle'.
import spock.lang.Specification
class T extends Specification {
def t() {
def a = Spy(A)
class A {}
The execution reports the following error:
When it gets to this part below, I'm always receiving a crash in the installation. Can some help?
`make install PREFIX=/usr/local/Cellar/danger-kotlin/0.7.1
./gradlew shadowJar -p danger-kotlin-li…
## Bug report
This is a weird one ...
### Expected behavior and actual behavior
When taking a list input in a workflow and creating a channel from it, list functions like `size()` should be …