Using [perlbrew](http://perlbrew.pl/) with a freshly installed perl-5.22.0, I found that I had to install these modules:
cc -Wall -Werror -g ot-recorder.c -o ot-recorder json.o geo.o geohash.o mkpath.o file.o safewrite.o base64.o ghash.o -lmosquitto -lcurl -lhiredis
ot-recorder.c: In function ‘on_message’:
ckrey updated
9 years ago
When initializing PL2303 there is some HEX code dumped to Serial Monitor at program start. See the for-loop `HexDumper` in `cdcprolific.cpp`. I believe this is debug code. Following the code to: `hexd…
v173k updated
9 years ago
I think all output of `px*` commands should share same colourization for all kind of output (and share it with visual hexedit mode)
Write a hexdumper for ISIS.
should be able to group bytes based on args.
I added a degree sign a while back to block some people's scripts they had but now that it's all over I cannot seem to remove the characters.
when I do a list of the banned words i have the follo…