Certain [BIN/IINs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Payment_card_number#Issuer_identification_number_.28IIN.29) are blocked by the card number validator eve though they are valid (e.g. 6016xx, which we h…
- Please include import images from 'react-payment-inputs/images' in Form library examples
I'm trying to translate this script to php without success for a few days... maybe you could help me a little bit
(function (window) {
var Juno = window.Juno || {};
Hi everyone, I'm trying to introduce this library in my project.
I followed the guidelines but I'm having this error:
` the trait bound std::option::Option: CoercesTo is not satisfied`.
Do you hav…
## Summary
| Status | Count |
| 🔍 Total | 479 |
| ✅ Successful | 364 |
| ⏳ Timeouts | 0 |
| 🔀 Redirected | 0 |
| 👻 Excluded | 72 |
| ❓ Unknown…
## Summary
| Status | Count |
| 🔍 Total | 479 |
| ✅ Successful | 360 |
| ⏳ Timeouts | 0 |
| 🔀 Redirected | 0 |
| 👻 Excluded | 72 |
| ❓ Unknown…
Function `detectCCType('2202 xxxx xxxx xxxx')` returns empty list. Add please
final CardCollection _defaultCCTypes = CardCollection({
TYPE_VISA: CreditCardType.visa(),
## Summary
| Status | Count |
| 🔍 Total | 476 |
| ✅ Successful | 363 |
| ⏳ Timeouts | 9 |
| 🔀 Redirected | 0 |
| 👻 Excluded | 75 |
| ❓ Unknown…
## Summary
| Status | Count |
| 🔍 Total | 476 |
| ✅ Successful | 363 |
| ⏳ Timeouts | 9 |
| 🔀 Redirected | 0 |
| 👻 Excluded | 72 |
| ❓ Unknown…
## Summary
| Status | Count |
| 🔍 Total | 479 |
| ✅ Successful | 361 |
| ⏳ Timeouts | 15 |
| 🔀 Redirected | 0 |
| 👻 Excluded | 72 |
| ❓ Unknown…