Is it possible to add mshta based exploits? Generating html applications and running it with mshta shouldn't be a problem, I guess.
I tried to use the hta.trace_analysis.TraceAnalysis with trace files (json) create by the PyTorch profiler as recommended in the documentation.
`with torch.profiler.profile(
# HTA, HTML Application
这年头,前端框架不支持移动原生应用开发都会让人觉得奇怪了。而使用前端技术开发桌面应用更是很早就有。大名鼎鼎的 node-webkit 就是其中一员。而我们今天要讲的,是 node-webkit 的爷爷辈老物 —— HTA,HTML 应用程序。
## Hello world
编写 HTA 格外的简单,用一个文本文档,写上几句 HTML 语句,保…
Using the latest version of this on mac it loads a .hta file but shows the wiki as plain text (in a window that can not be closed)
renaming the file to be .html it opens with no problem. Would it b…
Hiiiii ❤️
So, Windows Script Host : The scripting environment on windows that let's you do almost everything related to computer management. You can write vb and/or javascript files , and run the…
nothing happens when i click them
@echo off
echo ^^^BSOD^
> bsod.hta
echo. >> bsod.hta
echo ^> bsod.hta
echo applicationname="BSOD" >> bsod.hta
echo version="1.0" >> bsod.hta
echo maximizebutton="no" >> bsod.hta
echo minimizebutton="…
I ran the report and looking at the following part of the report, I'm not sure what to do with the information:
Event/Info | Count
Total Events | 17
Total Objects Flagged | 1
Total Unique Event …
### What is your question?
I really liked the HTA and the data it generates is quite useful. I think same analysis can be useful for other cases as well hence I was wondering if trace generated for o…