Suppose that your requirements must go though a [change control board](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Change_control_board) (CCB). Members of the CCB will review and approve your requirements. They can…
## Introduction
The quality and finally safety (IEC61508 SIL3 certification) and
security development of Zephyr OS requires
- to follow a or several processes
- to have a tool environment insta…
# 总结
- 主要功能:
- - 矩阵运算
- - 绘制函数图形
# 安装注册
## 问题
- https://blog.csdn.net/hezhongla0811/article/details/81226539?utm_medium=distribute.pc_relevant.none-task-blog-BlogCommendFromMachineLearnPai2-11…
cisen updated
3 years ago
## Current situation
The currently used names
- "high level specification" and
- "functional specification"
for the Zephyr OS specifications do not seem to be ideal to reflex their content. "Hi…
# 综述
- 首先查看`os_mem.c`文件,观察有如下7个函数:
## OSMemCreate
OS_MEM *OSMemCreate (void *addr, INT32U nblks, INT32U blksize, INT8U *perr);
## OSMemGet
void *OSMemGet (OS_MEM *pmem, I…
# Description
List all potential existing standards that could be used to draft the Cardano High Assurance CIP.
# Acceptace Criteria
- [x] List of Standards
- [x] Draft document created in a fork …
Based on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEC_61508, IEC 61508 has the consequence categories:
| Category | Definition |
| --- | --- |
| Catastrophic | Multiple loss of life |
| Critical | Loss of …
A few SSVC decision points were intentionally matched against CVSS v4 Supplemental Metrics. Specifically:
| SSVC DP | CVSS v4 |
| --- | --- |
| Automatable v2.0.0 | https://www.first.org/cvss/v4.…
_This is an epic for Texas Instruments Hercules™ SoC support._
Hercules™ is a family of system-on-chips from Texas Instruments that focuses on functional safety for mission-critical automotive and …
## Introduction
IEC 61508 safety certification is planned for the Zepyhr OS **core**.
Zephyr OS as a eco system is too big to be certified as a whole. The effort would be too high to finish in rea…