Hello first of all thank you for this nugget package.
My App configuration:
TinyInsights.Maui nugget version 1.0.6
.net 8
iOS minimum build target 16.0
Android Min target 10
I have one ins…
I used this library for a couple of months, worked pretty well, thanks for the effort.
Since a couple of days/weeks the conversion fails. I think it is related to new Chrome 130, now I am using 130…
great work with this.
Just wondering if you had managed to make a simple logging example work. I'm struggling at the moment as I think it's down to Powershell not liking the extension method…
**Is your feature request related to a problem?**
We're running the prometheus exporter middleware in production container environment where we have a setup with ILogger exporting to Geneva. We don…
replace ILogger by ILogger from microsoft
This is very nice idea - was looking exactly for something like that!
How to explicitly do a log? i.e: browserLogger.Debug("This is a log message");
Serilog exposes an ILogger just the same as t…
UBT can try to write files into the AutoSDK folder, so we need to use reservations for this and have multiple copies of it in order for things to work correctly:
[info] [Compile UnrealGame Win…
The NLog ILogger-interface is crazy huge. Lets slim it down by just providing generic Log-methods.
Feedback for 'NServiceBus sagas: Integrations' https://docs.particular.net/tutorials/nservicebus-sagas/3-integration/
Location in GitHub: https://github.com/Particular/docs.particular.net/blob/mast…
Looking at the file: https://github.com/stackify/stackify-api-dotnet/blob/master/Src/StackifyLib.CoreLogger/StackifyLogger.cs I see that BeginScope simply returns null. It would be great if the code a…