The [current list](https://github.com/imagej/imagej-opencv/blob/93dec2fe934dc74fc0e96ed0e208995958e34e85/src/main/java/net/imagej/opencv/ImgToMatConverter.java#L115-L118) is missing many integer types…
The ability to convert between meshes and ROIs
Hi, I am running the Gray level co-occurrence matrices example in pyimagej, but it seems `ij.op().haralick().correlation()` and `ij.op().haralick().differenceVariance()` output java class `net.imglib2…
Ensure imglib2-algorithm can declare all its functionality as ops in a dependency-light (or even dependency-free—e.g. XML? Spring? see #55) way.
Of course, the imglib2-algorithm-side work is not te…
Add a couple of examples how things can go wrong:
* coordinate overflow - clamping
* iterators used wrong (array image vs. cell image) - a bit like the "wrong copy" example
In [97]: from net.imglib2.outofbounds import OutOfBoundsFactory
In [98]: c = env.op("filter.gauss").inType(Img, Double.TYPE, OutOfBoundsFactory).outType(Img).computer()
In [99]: c
Hi @maarzt ,
I'm just testing on Windows 10 / Intel UHD 620 and found some issues in this benchmark:
* Loading a block / chunk currently opens a Filehandle per block which is expensive on some backends (e.g. s3)
* for sharded backends this is bad because several chunks live in the same file
When opening a `unit16` dataset, BigDataViewer tries to convert it to `int16`, which can fail if a value is too large for an `int16`. It produces the error below for each pixel where the value is larg…
Tried to open a Dicom file with 32 planes and one timepoint
[ERROR] Module threw exception
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.IllegalStateExceptio…