GaVaMoE: Gaussian-Variational Gated Mixture of Experts for Explainable Recommendation
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The above papers are looking at images as input data, which benefit greatly from convolutional layers, which we currently d…
作者您好,我在您发表的论文《Interpretable deep learning for automatic diagnosis of 12-lead electrocardiogram》补充材料中的Training and Evaluation部分看到您提到应用了十折交叉验证的方法(一共进行十轮实验,每轮都将8fold用于训练,1fold用来验证,1fold用于测试,最后取10轮的平均值作为结…
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🔍 **Deep Dive: "ReAct: Reasoning and Acting with Large Language Models"**
📝 **Summary:**
The authors introduce "ReAct", a method that synergizes reasoning and acting in large language models (LL…
beta-VAE is also very good ref : http://openreview.net/forum?id=Sy2fzU9gl
Learning an interpretable factorised representation of the independent data gen- erative factors of the world without super…
That is a very interesting and challenging topic to think about. 😊
A multi-dimensional latent space is an abstract space that encodes a meaningful internal representation of externally observed eve…