Isotypes of people's names are not handled, and create a new DB Entity (11/20)
perdu des issues antérieures non sauvegardées de TN - des questions se trouvent ds la bd [Determinations] ms pas moyen de retrouver facilement les fiches
102855 det2 par?
103105 isotype
103209 isotyp…
Isotype field must be able to accommodate multiple words Example: IgG kappa
Thank you for this tool! I'm excited to see how it works.
I'm currently trying to run it on a dataset with 207K cells and 46 CITE-Seq antibodies. I have 18 10X lanes merged into one object. From th…
98023-4 det1 improbable - voir cahier Rouleau
101993 isotype
@HASTboya 彭氏報春苣苔 Primulina pengii W.B. Xu & K.F. Chung
- TYPE: CHINA. Guangdong Province, Shaoguan City, Ruyuan County, Luoyang Township, alt. 290 m, on moist rock face in …
type et isotype sur même fiche : 2 spécimens à séparer ?
It may not be an issue, but I cannot find a solution by generic search.
> # Preprocess clone without ragged end masking (default)
> clone # Show combined annotations
> clone@data[, c("SAMPLE",…
116898 ce spécimen est un isotype ms n'était pas indiqué comme tel - indétecté ?
I am using the script from Processing and integrating 5k PBMCs CITE-seq data to deal with my own data with totalSeq C, but the full pipeline fail when running the following step, the command and the e…