Many projects don't use Github Releases to track releases, but simply ordinary git tags. These show up in the GitHub releases page (for example: https://github.com/Lucretiel/joinery/releases), but are…
I have a situation where there are two data frames with no common columns. How can I join them ? I want to join them with every other column one after another to produce various outputs.
Is …
Could i please have categories on all the projects that are the same as the services...? kitchen, laundry, bathroom, joinery.
Then please make the filter on the main project page have these as the …
Thanks for building Joinery! I've had a lot of fun playing around with it a little recently, it definitely opens up interesting possibilities. I ran into a couple of small issues while exploring it a …
Hello! Just discovered this wonderful tool and am excited to use it for a laser cut box project. My "box" is not a standard shape and has many sides (see image). I generated this SVG file by writing J…
03-11-22 Need to get new unit off the living room floor. Purchased five (5) months ago!!
When a model is too large for the build plate, there should be a feature that can automatically split the model into multiple parts to fit the size of the build volume.
Ideally it would just be a s…
The `Serialization.writeCsv(final DataFrame df, final OutputStream output)` method doesn't write the row names if `df`is a dataframe which has row names.
Scenario: Client wants to get all contacts that have count of contribution 0 (not null or empty).
Current status: Contacts with no contributions will never be added to the civicrm_value_summaryfields…
There seems to be no mode algorithm。zt