## Harmony 版本
### 发展史
- [Harmony Next 与 Flutter 的不解之缘](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/CRoTWPv4RhKcuMEPoRFfKw)
### 工具
- [鸿蒙 Fastlane 流水线搭建](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/pZSME9gK84y8jlyuF_W55g)
### Describe the project you are working on
I'm hacking on a game where the game-core is written in NodeJS/custom-web-runtime.
It's relying heavily on Godot's JavaScriptBridge for game-state and mul…
### What is the problem or limitation you are having?
It is possible for Python to invoke Javascript code in a web view; however, it is not possible for a Javascript function to call back to Python…
WebViewJavascriptBridge is a great library.
But when I using, I was curious that why not automatically inject JSFile, but match a specific Request URL?
If View instance A need a webview with JSBridg…
如题,只要设置了setWebViewClient,并且自定义的WebViewClient继承自BridgeWebViewClient,所有的jsBridge都无效了,求大神给个事例代码吧!!! 在线等
webView.setWebViewClient(new H5WebViewClient(webView));
### Description
Add `AddHostObjectToScript` to MAUI's WebView so that the same code can be used to implement JSBridge on any platform
The API design can be found in the Microsoft WebView2 document…
TGSAN updated
2 months ago
2 android.content.res.VivoResources.getText(VivoResources.java:123)
3 android.content.res.Resources.getString(Resources.java:436)
4 c…
# APP与H5交互原理解析
Hybrid App,俗称混合应用,即混合了 Native技术 与 Web技术 进行开发的移动应用。现在比较流行的混合方案主要有三种,主要是在UI渲染机制上的不同:
## 行业方案
- 1、基于 WebView UI 的基础方案,市面上大部分主流 App 都有采用,例如微信JS-SDK,通过 JSBridge 完成 H5 与 Nat…