Hi all
I upgraded to`Lyrion Music Server (v9.0.0, 1729751785)` from `8.5.3` and I see these errors in the logfile. Is there a command to start migration so that the table will be created?
I've found the root of the problem, but I don't have a fix.
I installed DBD::Pg with `cpan` on v5.30.2 (perl -V at end) with the Postgres pre-built package for macOS. I had set `POSTGRES_LIB`:
The DBD will load all libraries from a libs directory on startup. This keeps file size to a minimum
Because of this issue, all updates to projects are queued and new version of the dists are not created.
Usually it hangs trying to update old dist versions:
[Condition of type SIM…
gwajnberg@gwajnberg-ThinkPad-E560:~/RSEQREP$ sh run-pre-processing.sh
Performing sanity checks on configuration options
Parsing Analysis Configuration
Parsing Sample Metadata
Parsing Workflow Con…
The current DBD generator is a line-by-line translation of DECAY0/GENBB (written originally in Fortran) that introduces a dependency on the GSL mathematical library.
My automated scripted builds of `DBD::mysql` failed because they added `assert_lib` to their `Makefile.PL` in 4.050 or thereabouts:
LIBS => ($opt->{'embedded'} ? $opt->{'embedde…
Transcribed verbatim from CPAN RT#128214, warts and all.
Fri Jan 11 04:20:41 2019 Kent Fredric - Ticket created
Subject: t/80proxy.t fails on 96-core machine with parallel-harness
On a 96 co…
Using perl-5.40.0 from perlbrew I get the following error (full build log attached):
LD_RUN_PATH="/Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/Versions/9.6/lib" env MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.3 cc -Wl…
How to reproduce:
sudo SYBASE=/usr /home/kes/perl5/perlbrew/bin/cpanm DBD::Sybase
--> Working on DBD::Sybase
Fetching http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/M/ME/MEWP/DBD-Sybase-1.23.tar.gz ... OK