https://lobste.rs/ as source
Gems updated: benchmark bigdecimal bundler cgi csv date delegate did_you_mean etc fcntl fiddle fileutils forwardable getoptlong io-console ipaddr irb reline json logger matrix mutex_m digest net-…
We [block the Brave cryptocurrency scam](https://github.com/lobsters/lobsters-ansible/issues/45). Unfortunately, they [identified our block](https://github.com/brave/brave-browser/issues/4641#issuecom…
I'd like to raise awareness about the repo a bit. Announcing commits seems like overkill. Announcing force-pushes would be embarrassing.
I'd like to suggest the project [Lobsters](https://github.com/jcs/lobsters), a link manager application, to the `Run Project` gallery.
It uses http://sphinxsearch.com to search over the published con…
FYI https://github.com/lobsters/lobsters/issues/1219
I noticed the lobsterbot had been posting old stories recently, and is posting way more than it used to do - I dug into it and it's a caching bu…
Especially since some PDF documents of academic papers may be hosted at different URLs, I use search for keywords in the title to try to find out if some paper has been posted before. Unfortunately, t…
### Checklist
- [ x] I have searched for existing issues for issues like this one. The issue has not been posted. (Duplicate reports slow down development.)
- [ x] I have provided reproducible s…
- Remove enchanted books from fishing loot table
- Make the fishing loot table dependent on which biome you are in (hot water, cold water, river, ocean)
- Add more types of fish, Minecraft has only …
Maybe the Newton firezones feature could be extended to also allow launching by Lobsters. Synchronize multiple Lobsters, make Newtons wait until a launch, etc.