Realisierung eines Login Systems. Bei diesem Login System soll man seinen Benutzernamen und sein Passwort eingeben, um zur richtigen Website weitergeleitet zu werden. Sollte man keinen Account haben, …
'http error 500' after login to the system
Additional features for the login system:
1. automatic retry upon failed login
2. limited number of retries
3. password reset system using a generated token for authentication
- [ ] Front-end
- [ ] User, Roles and Password Database with hashing
Some parts of the site will be public--the score averages for example. Some parts should only be accessible to admins--right now that can be anyone with a login.
This can be a separate issue but t…
Logging in system via MyCourseVille not working. Shows 401 Unauthorised
It used to be that when you encrypted a system drive, after BIOS post, you would get a blank screen. Then, you would enter your passphrase. Now, it prints to screen "enter password". You used to ALSO …
Login in with either user with access to only the sign in page or admin with access to graphs.
**Is your feature request related to a bug/problem? If so, please link to the relevant issue or describe it**
Yes. I have jpremium in the lobby because I don't have the needed ram for having an auth …