the website says the irc channels are
on irc.freenode.net
I tried joining and no one was in `#luminus` on freenode. have the channels moved?
Description: null was found by the location command where it should have been luminus…
Dear Students,
A very warm welcome to CS2103/T! The first lecture will take place on Fri, 18 Apr, 2pm in iCUBE Auditorium (I3-AUD). The lecture slides will be published after the lecture.
(Posting on behalf of @B1LLP4RK as I'm not authorised to answer admin questions)
Can I check that PPP has to be submitted individually to LumiNUS, but
for UG DG and JAR, only one person in the te…
Your quick start page and docs directory on your repo both do not show your UG, the links on your quck start page are broken too. I accessed your team UG from the Luminus submission folder, however no…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1.Create a new clojure project named 'test', with lein template 'luminus'
2. First issue: When I press finish, I see the 'test' project being created in
Smeagol doesn't build cleanly with current generation tools. Fix.
There is no jar file for your team in LumiNUS. Please upload ASAP.
Dear students,
A very warm welcome to CS2113/T.
The module website is hosted [here](https://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~cs2113) and will be the prime source of information, both subject matter and deliv…
I've pushed a Luminus playground app to Heroku and have enabled SSL using
````heroku ps:type hobby````
I'd now like to force SSL which [needs to be done at the application level](https://help.h…