Right now, the mesh generation uses parallel Marching Cubes.
There's a reference implementation of parallel flying edges (outside of VTK) here:
Hi again my friend, I have been getting stuck on this one node with this particular error. Keep up the great work, you are awesome for the community. Thanks.
Error occurred when executing [Comfy3D]…
# Proposed segment triangulation
Use marching cubes algorithm, with a suitable distance function( a cylinder with different radii).
I'm going to try to write it in the next few days when I have time…
Hello, I want to transform my pointcloud PCD file to mesh using marching cubes algorithm.
My original pcd file is as follows:
![2019-04-08 17-22-38屏幕截图](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/255…
### Tasks
Ideally we would like to generate shadings in the shade layer using some sort of brush tool.
Possible approaches:
- Use a 2D variation of the marching Cubes Algorithm to generate a poly…
Problem: The marching cubes algorithm gives STLs that are large in size and have aliasing defects on sharp edges.
Solution: Have a mesh generation algorithm that is adaptive to the curvature of the…
Hello developers,
I would like to calculate the total volume of an arbitrary sphere based SDF object. For now I am casting the SDF to a mesh and then use that to calculate the volume. However, writ…
Hi stemkoski
I am really enjoying your work with Three.js.
You are building up a great range of examples and your coding style is easy to follow/
Thank you for all this work.
One routine that I ad…
## Version information
3.8.10 (tags/v3.8.10:3d8993a, May 3 2021, 11:48:03) [MSC v.1928 64 bit (AMD64)]
scikit-image version: 0.18.2
numpy version: 1.21.2
Hello again.
I have been getting back into my volume based rendering in rust and wanted to discuss some of the research with you.
## Bakers
I have been looking at other surfacing algor…