This isn't really an issue, but I wanted to share it with ozz users.
Unity uses a cool animation blending technique for their blend spaces. https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/BlendTree-2DBlending.html…
Hi everyone!
Ive been doing some research for my masters thesis on reinforcement learning using FinRL.
I'm mainly using the Copy_of_FinRL_Ensemble_StockTrading_ICAIF_2020.ipynb file and tweaking t…
I would like to use the deep energy method in my masters thesis and I was wondering if you could lincense the repository
There was a similar issue raised in 2021 and although I read the threat I did not understand the solution. I have installed ichthyop 3.3.16, Java jdk 22, and the netcdf folders version 4. I ha…
I think the layout code should finally be updated to work regardless of previously set layout options (geometry package,....) through packages and templates.
- [ ] Determine (absolute/relative) placem…
This template and documentclass is designed for thesis-option masters students. Configurations should be added to support PhD dissertations as well.
Hi Vi,
I am a Manchester University student who is continuing to do the related research. I have some questions about your masters' thesis, could you help me?
There are many good state machine examples from the automotive domain on page 103 onwards of the following.
Apologies if this is a bad place to post this, I had a tough time deciding which repo would be most fitting.
For my CS Master's thesis I built upon @conrad-watt's Isabelle WebAssembly mechanization…
![2020-05-13_09_16_14-thesis_nyan pdf_-_Adobe_Acrobat_Pro_DC-Screenshot1](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/14062932/81796940-65e7eb00-950e-11ea-919f-3500624e4de1.png)
This is the component…