Bob sees his friend doing a triple backflip and Wants to tease his friends, posting a tweet with the video and tagging 10 friends + asking them to pay U$1, if they dare, to watch this mundane miracle.…
Just wanted to see what you had going on there. But your link is dead.
Is this licensing piece solely for the purpose of licensing own add-ons, or are you thinking of some form of marketplace ecosy…
# Idea
Allowing apps to setup subscriptions, using fiat & crypto, may help operators monetise and make small audiences economically feasible really early, and also faciliate a revenue stream for cr…
I was wondering if you still have plans to progress with this project?
If you do not, would you mind unpublishing from npm?
I am working on a …
I wanted to thank you for such a great app! It is really great!
Wanted to check if you are planning to make any API protocol to generate QR codes on a fly via `` on a webpage (dynamically changing …
Twitter is well-known for imposing autocratic withdrawal of service. The affected users often find it difficult to rebuild the relationships they had formed.
This situation might be remedied by pro…
YLDs: In previous versions we have applied the PIF to deaths, ylls, ylds and hence dalys. Applying them to YLDs is problematic as it does not reflect the longer term change in disease burden because n…
Facebook Audience Network will only use bidding to fill ads in iOS apps from 31 March.
and being a novice coder i'm finding it hard to do what's needed as both facebook and admob(for mediation) hav…