Dear Yan,I want to know whether I need a GPU and cuda to train monodepth?Can I run this project in ubuntu16.04 CPU only?
Hi @mattpoggi
I downloaded monodepth & pydnet codes. But I did not find train command like below.
> python monodepth_main.py --mode train --model_name my_model --data_path ~/data/pydnet/ \
> …
Thank you for your work !
I downloaded the **model_kitti_stereo** from your page and then evaluated the model in the Kitti 2015 dataset. Although I don't quite understand these performance…
Thank you for the nice work.
I have a question, Which monocular depth library have you used?
All these monodepth, monodepth2 are producing disparity maps, how can I convert them to depth maps?
it w…
You haven't released the training and evaluation code
for Monodepth and Semantic Segmentation tasks. If you can provide your
training and evaluation code then that will be very useful for my
I get the following error:
usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/scipy/misc/pilutil.py:482: FutureWarning: Conversion of the second argument of issubdtype from `int` to `np.signedinteger` is depreca…
Great project !
I noticed that the model always outputs a fixed size of 1536x1536.
When inference is done on small-sized images, the performance is too low.
Can it support dynamic input sizes?
I have test the KITTI-MOT 0006 Reconstruction config. The depth estimation is similar with the Wandb log provided. The estimated depth is different from the mono depth.
Hi Ali,
In the code, there are two forward passes , one with left images as input and the other as right image.
Hi, I'm trying to combine monodepth with other stereo methods, since most of stereo depth prediction is using random crop when training, so I use random crop on monodepth together with stereo methods.…