## A Great Starting Blog for TurtleBot Installation
## Source Dataset
The Last Millennium Reanalysis (LMR) utilizes an ensemble methodology to assimilate paleoclimate data for the production of annually resolved climate field reconstructions of th…
- Name
pyELQ: python Emission Localization and Quantification
- Mission statement
The python Emission Localization and Quantification (pyELQ) code aims to maximize effective use of existing mea…
Hello, very glad to read your wonderful project mcl_pi_gazebo. And Im confused that what does the symbol d and PF_l PF_t mean in MCL_PI.py?
Diffusion Deepfake
The method `poseToMap` from the [Monte Carlo Laser Localization exercise](https://github.com/JdeRobot/RoboticsAcademy/blob/608da5a8375e40d2061f26f1243fb61dcbd88054/exercises/static/exercises/montecarl…
Hey KokiAoki,
Did you compare 3D BBS to MegaParticles ? What are the advantages and dis-advantages ?
I was reading the localize.cc file and it appears that you are shifting the position of (what I think are ) trajectory points relative to the car, such that the car always stays at 0,0. Is my understa…
### Introduction
The 2015 course has difficult navigation requirements. Kinect sensors are good for detecting motion, and distance, though we as a team don't currently know much about them. It could …
When requesting the most recent articles via the /metadata endpoint it appears the definition of "recent" is not sufficiently documented :-)
The following request:
> https://api.arxiv.org/metada…