just out of curiosity: what is the status of the elm tree? it looks like you stopped working on it at 5.4 - is this correct? has something of it been upstreamed?
i just built your tree, upda…
I'd like to be able to edit MT7 models in particular (Both from XBOX and Dreamcast), but in order to do so, I think the tools should be able to dump and read files from/to a common 3D format. I'm nami…
IPAC Browser & PKF Texture Editor
Subtitles Editor / Cinematics Subtitles Editor
MT5 Model Renderer & Converter
- (MT5 &co implementations): https://github.com/Fishbiter/Shenmunity_plugin/tree/ma…
MT8.04にて再構築を行うと、「Can't locate object method "_get_preferred_map" via package "FiscalYearlyArchives::ContentTypeFiscalYearly"」が出るようになりました。
I'm using the `odroid_u3-armv7l-ubuntu-focal-dev` image from the current release (200823-01) and I'm wondering why ipv6 is disabled in `/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf` (`ipv6.disable=0`).
Is it ok t…
HUAWEI MT7-TL10 EMUI3.0 系统,Android 4.4.2,API 19,可以正常扫描到设备,但是无法连接,包括官方的FastBLE.apk。
打开调试窗口,调用 BleManager.getInstance().connect 时就报错如下:
`03-22 15:55:42.910 31039-31039/com.test.app I/dalvikvm: Coul…
手机型号:华为 MT7
tinker版本: implementation 'com.tencent.bugly:crashreport_upgrade:1.3.8'
implementation 'com.tencent.bugly:crashreport_upgrad…
**Describe the bug**
I register three type(MLFloat16、float、double ) for Roialign to compute for onnx model.When I put MLFloat16 in the front in .cc file,I can run float16 models successfully, but fl…
feb07 updated
4 years ago