I'm trying to implement a bot with this library powering the game. However, instead of deep copying the board while constructing the tree there should be a method to pop the last move off the MoveHis…
- [reading into a string](https://discord.com/channels/442252698964721669/448238009733742612/857179001519996928)
Hello, does Easy AI support Quiescence Search?
Is it possible to use GPU to increase AI's speed? Thank you.
This could be beneficial to move ordering. Below is an example implementation. When there is no hash move available, it is sometimes worth doing a shallow search to try and look for one. This is espec…
Hello, I just have a few questions related mainly to making moves.
What is intended to be passed to `position.MakeMove` as the `in State` parameter? I've just been using it like `game.Pos.MakeMove(…
I assume this was done to avoid checking the grid for a win etc?
Followup from an old question in the forums about the classic version:
It would be very useful (to me anyway) to have support for asynchronous t…
Salvati urmatoarea linie intr-un fisier:
4k1nr/3Q2pp/5p1q/1B2p3/7P/P5P1/7K/8 b k - 0 1
Apoi: incarcati engine-ul in xboard ca first, incarcati fisierul cu File -> Load Position si dati Mode -> Machine…