Connected to pydev debugger (build 182.4323.49)
Using Theano backend.
MLP arguments: Namespace(batch_size=256, dataset='ml-1m', epochs=100, layers='[64,32,16,8]', learner='adam', lr=0.001, num_neg=4…
Asistent: @ivan7792
Studenti: Nikolina Radicic SW 27/2014 Grupa 2
Milan Salic SW 53/2014 Grupa 2
Repozitorijum: https://github.com/milan567/ORIProjekat
**Opis problema:** Ulaz preds…
Please post interesting papers here.
I can feed the gowalla dataset into the NeuMF model implemented by the repo in the url "https://github.com/hexiangnan/neural_collaborative_filtering". Surprisingly, the NDCG@10 can achieve 0.3991... B…
How does goml compare to some of the other Go libraries in terms of product vision / roadmap?
- https://github.com/sjwhitworth/golearn
- https://github.com/alonsovidales/go_ml
There's a decent amount…
I wonder how ncf is being used in retrieving and which layer is its item_embedding/user_embedding? I didn't find it in ncf code.
Hello, Recently, I am trying to implement paper [Recurrent Collaborative Filtering for Unifying General and Sequential Recommender](https://www.ijcai.org/proceedings/2018/0465.pdf) with pytorch. By a…
## 어떤 기능인가요?
NGCF(Neural Graph Collaborative Filtering)를 이용한 추천 모델 구현하기
## 작업 상세 내용
- [x] 자료조사(논문, 코드 등)
- [x] 코드 작성
- [ ] MLflow 적용
## 참고할만한 자료(선택)
논문: [Neural Graph Collaborative Fi…
hello,Mr He:
I divide one-tenth of the data from your training set as a cross-validation set. After training, the verification set error grows from the beginning. Shouldn't it be a gradual decline?