### APP 名称
### APP 包名
### 通知图标颜色 (HEX)
_No response_
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### 简单描述适配的通知图标使用场景
At least two of the WAVE audio media profiles (ca4s and cmhs) carry audio data that can describe multiple preselections (e.g. with different languages, clean audio options, audio description etc.).
US National Grid, frequently used in domestic US government and Search and Rescue applications, [is very similar (yet distinct) from NATO MGRS](https://www.maptools.com/tutorials/mgrs_usng_diffs). Imp…
I followed the instructions to modify the application.conf file to tie RFI-Generator to a GeoQ instance with no luck. Are these two capabilities supposed to be installed on the same box?
看了一眼代码,貌似是在` LibGroupInfo.lua`中每0.25s去查询了一次玩家状态,然后循环检查的。
1. 间隔增加、区分战斗状态,例如战斗中间隔5s检查一次、战斗外1s一次
2. NotifyInspect不仅会读取玩家buff,还会读取玩家装备和天赋,目测性能不会很好吧。。。类似WA那种接收buff变更事件的方式是…
Created by **Gitlab User danielcm**:
NGA is moving to DynamicIP in most products, dropping peer2peer.
Let's transition Éowyn to DynamicIP
This feature is intended for NGA 2024
- When players haven't given any input for a long enough time in the menu, a skippable mp4 showcasing the gameplay should play
The TDX Hydro `streamnet` and `streamreach_basins` geometries provided by [NGA](https://www.nga.mil) are at delineated at the scale of the underlying DEM pixels. These full resolution geometries are a…