I use external signals to control the pq_input of PQLoad with the initial p/q as zero. When the p/q increses the voltage of the generator will increase suddenly and the simulation stops.
After @kabelhad merged in the new balanced initialization algorithms (see [report](https://libraries.openmodelica.org/branches/history/master/2021-10-05%2023:15:43..2021-10-11%2016:25:20.html)), two m…
The differences between the matpower and PowerSystems results are caused by:
1. Different initial bus voltage conditions (also causes differences for PowerModels). This is due to how the bus voltag…
I think by mistake I deleted that part of the docs when I updated them: https://github.com/NREL-Sienna/PowerSystems.jl/pull/992/files
Need to restore that for the parsing markdown.
Error when selecting specific columns of the PTDF matrix I would expect that the following commands work:
julia> a = rand(4,5)
4×5 Array{Float64,2}:
0.0246739 0.483415 0.0234004 0.378329 …
### Description
Commit 28c5b6fd9de5789bae5fadf4fc247dbab40b4917 (#9907) attempted to improve the handling of array equations. Unfortunately it broke [testVectorizedPowerSystem.mos](https://github.c…
PyPSA csv files -> PowerSystems.jl -> matpower + time series csv files
Hi all, I am totally new to the openmodelica and this powerSystem lib. When I tries to run the DFIG example, I have error as:
[4] 14:55:35 Transla…
We could remove the `scoped_enum` macro from this package and use `EnumX.@enumx` instead. We would need to replace all usages across PowerSystems.jl and PowerSimulations.jl.
Hello, I am a beginner in Modelica. When I ran the wind DFIG example, the software reported an error:
The initialization problem is inconsistent due to the following equation: 0 != 1.22474 = 1.22474…