Hi, got directed here from the ROOT users workshop and I was playing with the notebooks.
I get an error from SWAN saying the following
## Dask notebook
Most of our point collections in the offline file format are given the same name as the corresponding class, e.g MuFilterPoint, with the only exception being vetoPoint, if I'm not mistaken.
This ha…
The functionality to the tree- >Draw queries (used internally in tree2Panda) and RDataFrame does not overlap. To be able to use complex C++ structures in O2, we have to switch to RDataFrame.
New fu…
## To Reproduce
The first line executed is invalid C++ code, and cling rightly complains. The second line is valid code, but cling does not seem to be able to compile it after the previous compil…
ctest -R tmva -j 32
will result in an arbitrary result (sometimes pass sometime fail) for
gtest-tmva-pymva-TestRModelParserPyTorch …
root's RDataFrame `.Describe()` feature fails with edm4hep files containing vertex collections with the following error message:
cppyy.gbl.std.runtime_error: ROOT::RDF::RDFDescription ROOT::RD…
- [x] Checked for duplicates
### Describe the bug
`GetValue` of an RDF complex type column gives the following error:
Column type: _Complex double
Error pythonizing class std::vec…
ianna updated
10 months ago
cat LinkDef.h:
#ifndef LinkDef_h
#define LinkDef_h
using namespace ROOT::VecOps;
#include "TwoInts.h"
#ifdef __CLING__
#pragma link C++ class TwoInts+;
Motivation (source)
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain-specific_language
* https://www.jetbrains.com/mps/concepts/domain-specific-languages/
* https://indico.cern.ch/event/769263/contributions/…
### Check duplicate issues.
- [X] Checked for duplicates
### Description
When input files to `RDataFrame` are remote files, force caching of remote files does not work and the remote files will be …