I was looking into your code at https://github.com/dhimmel/stargeo/blob/master/combine.ipynb.
Could you tell me where the file 'balanced_permutation.tsv.gz' comes from /is downloaded from?
And …
Several individuals in the [Su Lab](http://sulab.org/) at Scripps Research Institute, specifically @veleritas, @NuriaQueralt and @mmayers12, are working on extensions to Rephetio and Hetionet. We're g…
I am trying to perform a simple example application of XSwap-permuted networks for generic inference tasks. The simplest example that came to mind is to take a simple network (call original network A)…
Currently, a medication is expressed as follows:
"coding": [
"system": "http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm",
"code": "834102",
code in [`predictr.ipynb`](https://github.com/dhimmel/learn/blob/7668c97b2a6f348479b70fa40c3d7db424584315/prediction/4-predictr.ipynb):
fit = hetior::glmnet_train(X = X_train, y = y_train, al…
Hi Daniel,
What was the reasoning behind importing the nodes and edges of the hetnet using the py2neo interface? I'm finding that the import process is quite slow even for small sized networks, and…
Hi Daniel,
My name is Nilesh Dharajiya, MD, and I am a molecular pathologist by training. I came across het.io recently and am very impressed by it. I have been playing with Neo4j since last 3 yea…
Please would like to ask which software you used to create the network in the the repo figure?
Thank you!
Oftentimes, it's important (and required in scholarly publishing) to show the changes between two versions of a manuscript. It would be ideal if Manubot users could "track changes" between two manuscr…