I18N encourages the use of the [I18N glossary](https://www.w3.org/TR/i18n-glossary) for linking common terminology in specs vs. having to clone the definition locally (with all of the maintenance head…
Encountered an issue with enemies having 0 hit dice, did some testing to make sure it was the respec mod, including making a whole new save and the issue was still present.
Re-enabled it a few days…
Duplicate definition(s) of 'import' at: 1.
Couldn't match "HTMLLinkElement" to anything in the document or in any other document cited in this specification: webidl. See how to cite to resolve t…
Overheidsinstanties van alle lidstaten van de Europese Unie moeten de
noodzakelijke maatregelen nemen om digitale informatie en diensten
toegankelijk te publiceren. Dat is een wetelijke verplic…
Belangrijk werk irt de uitbreiding van de standaard gebeurt op de github van Geonovum. Voeg die ajb toe aan de verwijzingen: https://geonovum.github.io/logboek-dataverwerkingen-voor-objecten/.
We also want to look to add the follow features to our netlify publications:
- [ ] links in the comment from netlify to all specs that were edited by the PR, like: https://deploy-preview-2284--wai-ar…
### Session description
When used in Editor's drafts, Respec and Bikeshed provide very powerful/useful JS controls that provide a lot o value to the community. For example, both Respec and Bikeshed a…
This one might be kind of hard, but I would love the option to select 2 trees and have a "most optimal respec path" calculated for it. It would give you a quick idea of how many regrets you have to ge…
## Issue
ReSpec biedt de [mogelijkheid om definities op te nemen](https://respec.org/docs/#definitions-and-linking). Hier maken we bij Geonovum graag gebruik van. De meeste begrippen staan in het hoo…