Hi I know I am a little late to the game but I am wondering if I can now use Goerli since Rinkeby was deprecated last October
Why? Currently Prime Launch staging is on mainnet only
ideally goerli, but for now rinkeby still helpful imo
First of all thank you so much for this amazing code. I couldn't have done this all on my own as I am still learning.
I am just facing a little issue while trying to test the game. I am not …
I'm unable to fund my MM account via the Rinkeby Faucet.
An "insufficient funds for gas * price + value" error persists.
Please send some test eth to the test account on the Rinkeby Test Net: …
Add faucet support for ETH Rinkeby. 😉
This is one of many contracts that we can't seem to verify on Rinkeby... but i would love to see veri…
(mail by alchemy, our rpc provider)
I followed README.
1. yarn install
2. yarn run truffle deploy --network deployment
3. Updated truffle.js with my mnemonic and infura URI.
3. yarn run truffle deploy --network rinkeby
Fails on…
When I debug on JavaScript VM, the debugger work as usual.
When I Using Injected Web3 connect to Rinkeby, the debugger not working.
I'm playing the ethernaut with Rinkeby, some levels need to debug.…