Consider the pattern used by https://github.com/AdRoll/batchiepatchie to run a backend server for submitting and monitoring jobs. The current patterns for CLI scripting can tie up the user without an…
I'm currently encountering an issue with RxPY where I'm trying to execute multiple tasks concurrently using ThreadPoolScheduler, but they seem to be executing sequentially instead. My goal i…
@Moredread @coldfix @DanielSank
Pinging everybody who might be still interested in this.
By now, I feel like using the raw observer pattern like this is actually a bad idea and one should go for som…
Hey all,
Can we establish a Slack community for Facebook Prophet somewhere? I help collaborate RxPy and the folks at PySlackers gave us a channel to bounce questions, discussions, and ideas more f…
I think this will improve state management and overall maintainability. I'm considering [RxPY](https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxPY) for now but I'm open for suggestions.
This could
1. Allow models…
the wave of commits 27 days ago aligned the API more with RxPY and introduced quite a number of breaking API changes (subscribe instead of start, etc).
Could you please tell whether you pla…
Add back support for streaming, according to https://github.com/projectriff/invoker-specification
When I started with RxPY, I often run into the problem of missing a message when subscribing to an observable. This is especially true when working with the `shared` operator. This can be demonstrated…
I have a mutation that takes lists of several different DjangoObjectTypes and calls .save() on each of them inside of an atomic transaction. I'm currently Queueing up their event.send() calls inside o…