Hi, thanks for the great software! I have a dataset of custom entities, and I want to use Zshot to detect these custom entities. how can I do the few-shot learning with your tool? also is there a way…
SHIP is a very interesting work some wide applications. Thank you for making the code public.
May I know how to generate the GZSL results shown in the paper. Can you provide the code base for the sa…
## 一言でいうと
@TraMiu Steps to do:
- Read about few-shot learning
- Find open library to implement it (1h)
- Ask Duy about few-shot learning
- Implement few-shot learning based on the knowledge learned
# Zero-Shot Learning in Modern NLP | Joe Davison Blog
State-of-the-art NLP models for text classification without annotated data
Hi, my name is Richard Zhang, a researcher based in the Engineering Department, University of Cambridge. Your method of curating a CiteSumm dataset for pretraining, and then achieving SoTA by a few-sh…
i think it is a good idea to give a simple example of one shot learning
Story: #36
### Description
We aim to have more in depth documentation detailing few-shot and zero-shot NER
#### ACs:
Research should provide a detailed and accurate description and answer at …
With a few examples from each tag.
In the future this can be expanded to RAG
One-Shot Visual Imitation Learning via Meta-Learning
Chelsea Finn, Tianhe Yu, Tianhao Zhang, Pieter Abbeel, Sergey Levine
Conference on Robot Learning, 2017 (to appear). First two authors contributed …