Might be nice to have a thumbnailer for pgn files included. Don't know how
hard this would be, if it is, then don't bother. If you can, then I think
the best way would be the final board position.…
* https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/shell/thumbnail-providers
* https://doc…
Both xyz-thumbnailer-kde and your xyz-thumbnailer-linux install ``image-xyz.xml`` resulting in a conflict in package managers. Any good idea how to solve this @carstene1ns ?
Issue to ask for and discuss about new profiles.
Progress is tracked in: https://github.com/users/netblue30/projects/7
- command line document converter (e.g. `latex2*`, `pdf*`, `rst2*`, `pod2`,…
When I install Firejail, PDF thumbnailing is disabled; old PDF thumbnails stay there, but when a new PDF document is created / copied, there is no thumbnail created, iust a PDF icon.
Might be nice to have a thumbnailer for pgn files included. Don't know how
hard this would be, if it is, then don't bother. If you can, then I think
the best way would be the final board position.…
Xarino is currently missing a thumbnailer for the gnome desktop. This
presents a quite big usability and integration issue. Luckily one has
already been created and we should be able to look into …
Might be nice to have a thumbnailer for pgn files included. Don't know how
hard this would be, if it is, then don't bother. If you can, then I think
the best way would be the final board position.…
Might be nice to have a thumbnailer for pgn files included. Don't know how
hard this would be, if it is, then don't bother. If you can, then I think
the best way would be the final board position.…
I've followed the new developer guide. When I run `docs-build` I see
Used existing FileDownload thumbnail
getting thumbnail code for /home/jovyan/repos/private/panel/examples/reference/wi…