# This is my fourth post!
This is a post on My Blog about touchpoints and circling wagons.
@ryanwoldatwork, per discussion from two weeks ago on improving export UX on Touchpoints (form side)
Figma link here: https://www.figma.com/board/Etgxffz7RXpKzGtUugoSRJ/GSA-%3C%3E-OMB-CX-Collabora…
## Description
### User story
As a Veteran, I want edit functionality for my NoK/EC that fits in with current design standards on VA.gov.
### Notes
- Will plan to complete midpoint review and then s…
Maintain CX Collections version 2 features.
* [ ] archive the CX Collections data, share it with @BinFZheng
* [ ] remove the features from Touchpoints
* [ ] remove `collections` table
* [ ] …
## User Story
As a Governance team member responsible for scheduling DI, AI, MPR and SR, I want to check to make sure the PO Sync occurred so that I don't allow VFS teams to engage in Collab Cycle wit…
@ryanwoldatwork This is worth a discussion on what is best/most elegant way to do this.
Under page for each service provider, there is list of services under that service provider.
Current vie…
I think the goal with this is to review trends across our feedback to see if we're progressing in meaningful ways.
Here are some visualizations or tools we could build/try out
- Total count of feedba…
* public website?
* or admin experience?
* or ???
Demo - https://touchpoints-demo.app.cloud.gov/touchpoints/c5711b18/submit
Please view the [Milestone](https://github.com/department-of-veterans-affairs/va.gov-team/milestone/1425) for all feedback and findings tickets associated with this Collaboration Cycle initiative.
## Resources
- [Figma design](https://www.figma.com/design/cg8VNnxFOxw7lb10FVHpi5/Resources-support?node-id=332-15056&node-type=canvas&t=UgGZjVrNtFn2Xf4J-0)
- [Research planning mural](https://app.mur…