I am using Generator that is included in the most recent tagged version of Triplesec (3.0.17) and I get this error (Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function) every second or two in Chrome, howe…
Perhaps I am "doing it wrong" (it happens a lot), but the pbkdf2 function returns a 16 byte zeroed out key if an undefined klass is passed in as an argument:
``` javascript
var args = {
key: pa…
Hash: SHA512
I've brought this issue up with my shell provider and they advised me to bring it up to keybase:
Immediately after entering my passphrase for `keybase…
## What are MAGIC BYTES?
They've been the same forever and haven't changed. Have you ever *actually* explained what they mean? What's their significance? They aren't encrypted, so the main annoyance …
I'm using keys that are randomly generated and not based on a user provided password. For this case, stretching the key doesn't add any value.
Is there a way to tell TripleSec to skip that?
www.di-mgt.com.au/hmac_sha3_testvectors.html is a possibility. We agree on a lot of them.
I think that how much bytes are taken out of the key strengthening function and how they are separated should be better explained.
(There is also a typo "seperate")
I love what you are doing here, and am trying to grok the source so that I know how to use *parts* of the library for a project of my own. I am wondering about the code style, is it really necessary t…
you said that your package derive from:
This is the license that is more restrictive than our. You should therefore use the following license and acknowledge or…
Right now, we're relying on PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512-SHA3 as the final stage of key stretching, but that means we're vulnerable to a bug in SHA-512 leaving correlations among adjacent blocks (and thereby we…