How does Lower SP SLM get a NSD which contains the VNF?
Use case:
I have 2 VMWare Virtual Machines with Ubuntu 16.04.3. VMWare Tools version
I am trying to use the Docker IpVlan network driver. What that driver does is to create a slave…
Short description: Ensure that a service reconfiguration is triggered and executed correctly based on custom metrics from Openstack.
Tool: monitoring engine, MANO, Policy Manager
Collected metric: t…
Regarding the "[1.4 Cloud Native Network Functions](https://github.com/cncf/telecom-user-group/blob/master/whitepaper/chapter01.md#1.4)" section from the Cloud Native Thinking for Telecommunications w…
Current definition:
Cloud Native Network Function (CNF): A cloud native network function (CNF) is a cloud native application that implements network functionality. A CNF consists of one or more micro…
I would like to know your opinion to this proposal:
Requirement is, that it should be possible to load / unload a plugin dynamically. The ability to monitor the Network Function Virtualizati…
Import Executor not found
Import Parse not found
I'm following [the docker tutorial](https://openbaton.github.io/documentation/tutorial-docker/), the first steps go well without problems but when I try to launch the Mongo NS I got "an unca…
see https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Building+Entire+ONAP
Good morning,
First - thanks for the instructions on WW4 and KVM!! I'm gald someone did this.
I followed the directions in your medium.com article (https://medium.com/@panda1100/warewulf-v4-sand…