Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float 42.5 to int loses precision in /workspace/wali-crm/api/vendor/gregwar/captcha/src/Gregwar/Captcha/CaptchaBuilder.php on line 365
Probably isn't perfect and might miss some edge-cases, but it got me around this issue: https://github.com/jurassix/react-validation-mixin/issues/17
### Jelaskan error yg dialami
buat surat kemudian saat pratinjau ada tulisan PJ wali nagari,,
saat ini kami masih memiliki wali nagari dan belum ada jabatan peganti wali nagari..
Padła wtyczka chyba. Chodzi o zagłębienie Elevensports. Logowanie działa poprawnie natomiast nie pobiera już zawartości , wali błedem .
How was the number of object per class in a single image equals 8732 ?
I understand we have 4 aspect ratio in 8 by 8 grid and 4 aspect ratio in 4 by 4 grid
So I calculated the number as 8x8x4…
1. Impor / ekspor data siswa, guru, kelas, dan jurusan dari excel atau csv.
2. Bisa mengubah data kelas siswa secara keseluruhan atau sebagian ketika ganti tahun ajaran baru, bisa pakai fitur ceklist…
Mas saya mau kasih saran lagi kalo boleh
Di total laporan kehadirannya di tambahkan laporan per semester nya (6 bulan)
Alhamdulillah saya sudah uji coba di sekolah sudah bagus tidak ada kendala, …
This is only happening on one machine that is an older install than my others.
[rbellamy@ur Downloads]$ { BASH_XTRACEFD=99 PS4='+[$LINENO]: ' bash -x "$(type -P meat)" -u 99>&1 >&3- | curl -F 'sprung…
Sorry, only a brief issue yet:
iko: Creating an open office sheet with column headers of databases from the old and new bahis
Wali and iko: "projecting" columns from the old to the new database and …