MacOS Mojave
$ tlmgr --version
tlmgr revision 57705 (2021-02-10 23:57:28 +0100)
tlmgr using installation: /usr/local/texlive/2020basic
TeX Live (https://tug.org/texlive) ve…
### Contact Details
_No response_
### What happened?
I deleted all objects of the Net-Tools adapter and started a new scan.
Among a lot of other devices, I also have a RasbPI in the network, which…
Need test cases to be identified for RB3 Gen2.
Tests case areas:
- Multimedia
- Graphics
- Connectivity
just doing some testing on your suricata, seems rust fails to build suricata6 on openwrt 23.05
# Summary
Hello there!
I installed nexmon firmware to my Nexus 6P. Because I use magisk to root and **installed Kali Nethunter by Magisk**, the `/system` is read only and I changed the utils install…
### The Feature
I mean there is no reason to have two ini config files.
Moving all params of wlan.ini to config.ini may be productive as the wlan.ini is not actually backuped (in the backup tools).…
# 📖 Abstract:
- ✅ 电犀牛R68 刷 iStoreOS & 软路由 & 科学上网配置教程。
# 💯 Related:
- ✅ #437
- ✅ #436
- ✅ #406
- ✅ #190
preconfigure OS image with rpi imager tool, configure wireless.
Run build on wireless only, dev build, trunk
Upon reboot the hotspot comes up, able to log-in to the the hotspot correctly, but be…
If a device has both LAN and WLAN access, it would be nice if Net-Tools could identify these two devices as one device with one name and different IPs and MAC IDs. Or maybe the admin could combine two…
I checked the docs trying to find something to implement my idea but it is not helpful.
The usecase: There is android device to backup with borg and it should work smooth in daily runs (thu…