@FStriewski @eliaferrari the BUND WMS and WMTS services are available in "de", "fr", "it", "en" while geodienste.ch WMS and WFS services are available in "de", "fr" and "it".
What about using direc…
**Describe the feature:**
Today Kibana Maps doesn't have the ability to customize/propagate HTTP headers for outgoing layer requests. For a scenario where the WMS endpoint is protected by SAML, the…
I'm migrating from MS 7.6 to 8.2.2:
In MS 7.6, when I clicked on a coordinate with no data in the GFI, I was redirected to the web page specified with the "EMPTY" parameter in mapfile:
Clicking in the map to identify the table of a WMS layer shows all the columns but only the columns with a lowercase title show the data. Columns with one or more capital letters in the title show the…
Web map services that require authentication (username & password) are not yet supported in the geo-overlay upload. This would be highly desired according to an expert user.
Possible steps:
- Dete…
### Description
getmap wants ax extent as `float` instead of `numpy.float64`. However, [this way](https://github.com/SciTools/cartopy/blob/97c6a6488d2edfd4780ac2d8df7b0014560e4917/lib/cartopy/mpl/s…
Sentinel cloudless wms has stopped working. Now the resources (layers from different years) have been moved to a new URL.
P.S. A…
WMS GetCapabilities response contains URLs based on incoming request. Although it sounds correct, there are scenarios when it is not the case, e.g., Apache internal redirect could mean user must use o…
Watchdog failed for 5 consecutive days for:
"eox.at 2022 cloudless" -> [sources/world/eox.at-2022-cloudless.geojson](https://github.com/osmlab/editor-layer-index/tree/gh-pages/sources/world/eox.at-202…
Se si prova a cliccare su una parcella viene effettuata una getfeatureinfo che però ritorna un errore di Cors, la richiesta (che funziona) dovrebbe essere