Hardware: A100
Dataset: aishell
client cmd
python3 client.py --server-addr localhost \
--model-name whisper --num-tasks $num_task \
I am using BatchedInferencePipeline of faster whisper in Google Colab by
! pip install --force-reinstall "faster-whisper @ https://github.com/SYSTRAN/faster-whisper/archive/refs/heads/master.tar.gz…
I get this error when attempting to use the web form for training:
Training failed.
Error no file named config.json found in directory FLUX.1-dev/transformer.
form inputs:
the code for mwer is in which file
### Prerequisites
* [x] Can you reproduce the problem?
* [x] Are you running the latest version?
* [x] Did you check the documentation?
* [x] Did you perform a cursory search?
For more inform…
## 0. 論文
[Word Error Rate Estimation for Speech Recognition: e-WER](http://aclweb.org/anthology/P18-2004)
Ahmed Ali, Steve Renals
## 1. どんなもの?
音声認識におけるWord Error Rate(WER)の計算を参照用データなしで計算する手法「e-W…
Is there any plan to add a simple tool for calculating WER, which is a widely used metric to measure the quality of transcribed audios ? If not, I'm happy to make a PR for this ~
### PsychoPy Version
### What OS are your PsychoPy running on?
Windows 10
### Bug Description
My python version: 3.10.11
I'm using a VENV virtual environment. I recently changed the v…
after updating home assistant ESPhome to 2024.10.1 and Atom Echo satellites, wake word detection is not working anymore.
Upon detection of wake-word, pipeline is changing state: "State changed from D…
Running lstmtraining for frk language with 50000 iterations terminated with an assertion.
$ lstmtraining -U /home/stweil/src/github/tesseract-ocr/tesseract/frk/train/frk.unicharset --script_dir…