Archive images are too small, for example #76, #115
One key aspect of [xkcd](https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2048:_Curve-Fitting) is probably the font and its size. Others include the aspect ratio.
As for the imprecise line drawing, I won…
Gives link to XKCD comic #, if it exists.
Searches for an xkcd comic related to the search string, and links to such a comic if found.
xkcd 2916 is an interactive comic, it is currently not listed as one.
should fetch the xkcd by number
searches xkcd for a relevant comic and posts the image into discord
### Original Markdown
trt xkcd
It would be great if you could integrate the colors from the [XKCD color survey](https://xkcd.com/color/rgb/) just how they are used in matplotlib, i.e. with `xkcd:` prefix, e.g. `xkcd:red`. I would t…