Hi, I ran a test with both --binary and --xnor set. Here are the errors,
2018-04-26 10:34:44.400066: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:961] DMA: 0
2018-04-26 10:34:44.400072: I…
The Readme says "The binary convolution layer is modified from https://github.com/loswensiana/BWN-XNOR-caffe, in which we modified the gradient computation method"
However, looking at the Diff of
I use the yolov3-tiny_xnor.cfg to detect one class, the loss is around 5. I use 1300 images have object and 1300 images have no label.
![average loss_screenshot_28 08 2018](https://user-images.gith…
I know that in xnor-net-pytorch ,the accuracy can reach the paper accuray。
what about you in the abc-net?
Hi, I've been trying to make a binary-weights-net or Xnor-net work with text data, so I'd need 1D convolutions. I tried modifying his code https://github.com/DingKe/nn_playground/tree/master/binarynet…
您好,在论文中说到,正如XNOR-Net一样,forward 和 backward过程中量化,但是参数更新不量化,这个过程您是怎么实现的呢?
Hi Ruizhou,
Thanks for sharing your code!
While going through your code, I found you used LeakyReLU for the first activation function and didn't quantize its output. Therefore it seems the secon…
When I implement pytorch version, I met the matrix inverse(torch.inverse(BxB^T)) doesn't have, How Can I promise the probility,
I wonder if alpha and delta are layer based (as clained in Trained Ternary Quantization paper) or filter based (like XNOR-Net). I assumed they are filter based because your paper mention n as …