## About the author
My name is Lawrence, and I am a PhD student studying computer science at UCSB. My field of study is privacy-preserving systems, which is building applications with cryptogra…
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Make an example about zero-knowledge proof by Javascript
# **Use Case: Zero Knowledge: Data Protection Layers**
## **Objective:**
The main objective of this use case is to implement a solution based on the Zero Knowledge Protocol (ZKP) to enhance data prot…
Privacy and scaling:
[对比 ZKsync 和 Starkware 原文](https://twitter.com/_supercycled/status/1469242551836332032?s=20&t=zxECCXwItMt5u9CDsYjwwQ)
[零知识证明(ZK) 为什么重要](https://www.techflow520.com/news/768)
As part of proving conformance of a Baseline Protocol Implementation (BPI) with the Baseline Protocol Specification (currently in draft release v 0.1), the entity trying to prove confo…