Oversigten over sammenknytninger trænger til en opdatering. Der er en sammenknytning som jeg er i tvivl om, om den bliver brugt, og så mangler der beskrivelse af sammenknytninger som findes i JAR i da…
Upon testing the new component feature, I discovered that I was unable to set accountid. The provider excepts a username but Atlassian is deprecating that input, and it's not possible to do anything e…
Vi skal etableret Dependabot i udviklingsmiljøet
COWi bedes angive hvor mange timer der skal bruges til dette.
┆Attachments: _GitHub Your Dependabot alerts for the week of Apr 16 - Apr 23.msg | D…
Det vil være rart hvis man kan søge på Aktivitetsnavn og Fasenavn i Tekstsøgningen.
Hvis man søger på et bestemt sagstrin f.eks. “V1, kortlægning” med en afgørelsesdato i 2020, så får man kun vist lo…
From what I've observed, the current Zephyr Scale Server API doesn't have an Endpoint for Iterations: https://support.smartbear.com/zephyr-scale-server/api-docs/v1/
Looking at their interface, it s…
- https://docs.atlassian.com/software/jira/docs/api/REST/9.6.0/#api/2/
- https://www.atlassian.com/blog/jira-software/jql-the-most-flexible-way-to-search-jira-14
- https://www.atla…
Saving the below markdown on web and on mobile, will be show differently on web and on mobile.
line 1
line 2
line 3
On web:
On mobile:
Mobile should mimic the behavior…
Create a JIRA REST module plugin in Jersey JAVA.
JIRA Issue: [KIEKER-805] Webgui Binary release libs
Original Reporter: Jan Waller
I was looking for a Terraform provider to configure Jira for new projects. I tried your provider and it works very well for basic Jira stuff! Are there any plans to support more REST API calls so you …