I am getting an error in my kubernetes cluster while installing [kamus][1]
$ brew install kubernetes-helm
$ helm init
$HELM_HOME has been configured at /Users/user/.helm.
As one of the benefits of a gitops style handling of app definition and configuration, is the ability to review any changes, it would be nice if only the values that are actually secret need to be enc…
* [x] Project
* [x] Namespaces
* [x] Builds
Currently when you install with default settings (i.e. ClusterIP), Helm helper/notes prints out the following:
export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "app=kamus,release=kamu…
when installing the kamus-cli on local computer i executed the following command
npm install -g @soluto-asurion/kamus-cli
when executing the cli kamus-cli only i get the following error:
I suggest to use options instead of arguments in CLI encrypt command.
The encrypt command will be as following:
kamus-cli encrypt \
--secret super-secret \
--service-account kamus-exam…
To support kubernetes cluster running on AWS. Look like there is support for it in the [dotnet SDK](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkfornet/v3/apidocs/Index.html).
Open questions:
* Is KMS the right c…
Nice project! Impressive and useful
Question: In k8 native secret I can have
name: secretsname:
Does kamus support this option?
Versi: 20181125
cc-44033 lain selainnya **0** **0** **se--nya** 0 Kamus
ex-48428 lain Selainnya **0** **0** **se--nya** 0 Leipzig
ex-48439 lain selainNya **0** **0** **se--Nya** 0 Leipzig
Versi: 20180817
cc-8900 **awan** merawan **mer-** 0 0 0
ex-6457 **awan** Merawan **mer-** 0 0 0
cc-8900 **rawan** merawan **meN-** 0 0 0
ex-6457 **rawan** Merawan **meN-** 0 0 0
Juga …