### Bug description
Hello, and thanks everyone for great work on JupyterHub :rocket:
We are noticing an issue with the reflector when the Kubernetes API server gives 504 responses. The hub o…
d-gol updated
1 month ago
this will be very useful, and a great way for us to test/deploy things w/o impacting balaji's work on a11y.
we can initially deploy this on the shared `small-courses` node pool and filestore instan…
- [x] Demo a working jupyterhub on eoas05
- [ ] Add documentation to #47 to provide design rationale/urls for packages
We need to crowdsource the specification of environments and the generation of notebooks from tutorial maintainers. What is the best way to do this? What information should we collect from them?
### Proposed change
Define a strict pattern at the jupyterhub level for usernames, e.g. that of a DNS label, which would be:
- 3-63 chars
- contains only ascii letters, numbers, hyphen
- lower…
minrk updated
2 years ago
**What happened**:
使用vgpu创建JupyterHub服务,发现只有通过kubectl exec ... 查询nvidia-smi 显存是切分符合预期的,但通过jupyter UI访问发现资源没有进行切分,并且多用户下执行nvidia-smi报错,详情见附件截图
**What you expected to happen**:
**How to repr…
This is the third issue of its kind, where the previous was #4884.
## Definition of done
- I put in 8h of work in the jupyterhub ecosystem purely nagivated by my JupyterHub team member hat on
- I pr…
# Summary
We know that there are few courses like [Stat 131A](https://classes.berkeley.edu/content/2022-fall-stat-c131a-001-lec-001) that use Datahub without using nbgitpuller links. Students log i…
Currently, the proxy is implemented as a separate deployment. The proxy supports TLS, but terminates TLS at its pod and forwards unencrypted traffic over to the hub. This type of behavior is not opt…
At the meeting on [October 26](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Od-7_FK1M9kLUkTiSMvAl2tmMwRJEdh-EySCMx5kndg/edit#heading=h.qxuzyaqbdiwj), one of the avenues we identified for enabling folks to enga…