New lineage proposal
by @CorneliusRoemer
Sub-lineage of: B.1.617.2 (21J)
Earliest sequence: 2021-24 US
Most recent sequence: Current
Countries circulating: ~1% in US
Lineage was…
New lineage proposal
by @CorneliusRoemer
Sub-lineage of: AY.9 (21 I)
Earliest sequence: 2021-30 in US [not seen there after], 2021-31 in Sweden
Most recent sequence: Current
New lineage proposal
by @CorneliusRoemer
Sub-lineage of: Delta 21J
Earliest sequence: Thailand end of May, the first sequence from Jan is probably date error
Most recent sequence: C…
Sublineage of B.1.617.2
Key mutations :
C28657T then S:D178N
Tree (Neher Lab):
@c19850727 helpfully pointed out that this lineage seems to have sustained growth. I did a quick review of recent developments and would suggest to consider reopening this issue.
I can see a) pote…
Error only appears in v.0.6.8, not in v.0.6.7
I installed from bioconda on MacOS 12
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/explicit_translation.py", line 57, in
features …
Sub-lineage of B.1.617.2
Countries circulating: Multiple countries including Netherlands, Bulgaria, Maldives, Italy, Germany, United Kingdom, USA, Turkey, Spain, Czech
The C23277T (S:T572I) branch…
I spotted a surprisingly fast growing lineage in Poland, that's also present in Germany. It's grown remarkably fast from first observation in 2021-36 to 10% of all Polish sequences. Weirdly, it's appe…
New lineage proposal
by @CorneliusRoemer
Sub-lineage of: B.1.617.2
Earliest sequence: May 2021 (South Africa)
Most recent sequence: Current
Countries circulating: Mostly South Afri…
Looking at 20I Nextstrain clade i spotted a couple of still undesignated sublineages:
The first one is a relatively small clade circulating in Belgium (407 sequences) and Netherlands (161 sequences…